Tuesday 8 February 2011

My passion is.. DRUMMING

I've been drumming for what feels like forever now, but literally, it's been about three years. I want to say I'm totally awesome, play with a ton of bands and am amazingly famous in Southampton, but truth is.. I suck. I have no rhythm. But does that really matter?

How do you tell if the stage is level?

The drummer is drooling from both sides of his mouth

To be taken seriously as a musician people expect you to have reached a certain grade, to know your theory, to be part of a band, but personally I don't mind so much about being "taken seriously" for me its all about the fun and making a bang. Is this wrong?
Hell no!


Seriously though, I have drummed in bands! I even signed a contract once, sure it was written up by my 17 year old boyfriend, but I still signed it! In fact due to such of such contract I am forbidden from joining another band for another 4 months unless my "manager" Mr Alex Stevens of Xander Management says otherwise! So that's a start right? Actually that's probably a failing point as my band "MANIFEST" are situated up in Birmingham and I'm all the way down here in Southampton. But again, this is all for fun so who gives a damn!

I learnt to play drums at Stratford-Upon-Avon college in the music centre by a drummer called Ant, although if you looked him up on facebook you wouldn't find anything, he's better known as Uitgs Cube the drummer for MeatFeast (formerly known as the Jazz Thrash Assassins!) a funked up jazzy metal group from Birmingham! They're actually pretty good, I saw them play at the surface unsigned festival finals in Birmingham's Custard Factory (that's a venue, not a place to buy yummy pud!) a few years back, it was awesome. And they also came fourth so go them! Getting back on track anyway, I learnt a ton of stuff and I thought I was really progressing at the time, but now looking back most the lessons were filled with me uttering totally fowl language and screaming "I CANNOT DO IT!" every 5 minutes. I did notice a year into my lessons Ant started wearing ear plugs.. but this was most likely coincidence, I mean the drums make more noise than me surely...? Still, it got me on track to something I really enjoy, I can complain.

AND THAT concludes my passion. I'm a God awful drummer and frikken proud!

Did you hear about the drummer who got into college?

Neither did I.

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